3-Month Retreat, March 31 - June 30, 2025*
Led by North Burn with assistant teachers
Held in a wilderness location in Northern California

The three-month retreat at Boundless Refuge is the heart of our offerings, and is a rare and precious opportunity to explore the depths of practice. It is a reimagining of the ancient Buddhist tradition of Vassa, or Rains retreat. During the Buddha's time, he encouraged his disciples to cease wandering during the monsoon season and stay in one place for three months, focusing intensively on developing the Eightfold Path, in particular deeper mindfulness, samadhi (concentration), and insight. This upcoming spring is the fourth year running we’ve offered this retreat. 

While practitioners leave behind their usual responsibilities mindfully and carefully, it is not an escape or vacation, rather it is a deeper encounter with ourselves and an initiation into new ways of being. The core practice is meditation, the development of mindfulness in the context of Wise View. During the retreat, silence is observed, and retreatants are expected to participate fully in the rigorous daily schedule of formal sitting and walking meditation, as well as some other ceremonies, meals, and work. Participants maintain shared standards of conduct based on Buddhist precepts. The retreat is supported by several practice positions, including the head of the meditation hall, retreatant support, head cook, and caretakers. These roles will be undertaken by experienced practitioners who will also participate in the retreat. Regular teachings are given through daily dharma talks and individual teacher meetings. 

The retreat will be held on a 40-acre property located several hours drive north of San Francisco, near the town of Willits, California on March 31st - June 30th, 2025. The land is on a mountain surrounded by miles of wilderness sprawling down to the Pacific Ocean. There are two large hand built brick houses which provide wonderful conditions for our retreat. Yogis will sleep either in a dormitory or in a Bell tent. The retreat is led primarily by Boundless Refuge’s founding teacher, North, with the aid of part-time assistant teachers, primarily Peter “Mitra” Park and another yet to be determined.

The practitioners who come to this retreat include all degrees of experience but share in common a deep commitment to practice and a sense of responsibility. We form an intimate cohort for the retreat, which includes working together at the beginning and end of the practice intensive to set up and take down. In the final week of the retreat, silence is partially lifted, and we have “Sangha Week,” which is a joyful time of being together and deepening lifelong connections before we disperse.

*We have several seats reserved for practitioners who want to come for a shorter length of retreat within the three months. While most come for the full length of time, and that is ideal, it is not possible or optimal for everybody. There is space to indicate your interest in a shorter retreat on the application.

Application process and financials 

The process for applying to the retreat is first to fill out the application thoughtfully. Then, we will arrange a 1 on 1 meeting with North to talk about the retreat and see if it is a good fit for you. Anyone with sincere interest is welcome to apply.

Please see our generosity page to understand our approach to payment for the retreat. We have done our best to keep costs low to promote simplicity and accessibility. The retreat is substantially funded by donations, however depends primarily on the donations of the participants.

Below are the sliding scale rates. It is also possible to pay in installments.Any contributions above the sustaining rate will be considered tax deductible donations to Boundless Refuge via Off-Grid Retreats, our fiscal sponsor. Teacher dana is not included in these rates and will be invited at the end of the retreat. 

Dana – We offer fully dana-based places on the retreat for those can’t afford the scholarship rate.

Scholarship Rate – $2,500 (significantly subsidized rate)

Basic Rate – $5,250 (subsidized rate)

Sustaining Rate – $7,530 (covers cost of retreat)

Benefactor Rate – $11,200 (covers cost of retreat, with a meaningful contribution to assist our efforts to offer lower sliding-scale rates.)

Supporter Rate – $16,500 (covers cost of retreat, plus a generous donation to Boundless Refuge)

  • Yogis are expected to adhere to the daily schedule unless necessary adjustments have been discussed with the teachers. Each yogi will have an approximately twenty minute practice meeting with North or a co-teacher every second day with an option to meet more frequently. Every five days, a complete day of silence will be observed with no chanting, instructions, meetings, or dharma talks. However, yogis are still expected to follow the schedule.

    4:30 AM - Wake up bell
    4:45 AM - Group walking meditation
    5:00 AM - Sitting meditation
    6:00 AM - Pranayama Breathwork
    6:30 AM - Chanting and guided reflection on intention
    7:00 AM - Breakfast
    8:30 AM - Morning instruction and sitting meditation
    9:15 AM - Walking meditation (interviews begin and continue until lunch)
    10:00 AM - Sitting meditation
    11:00 AM - Walking meditation
    11:45 AM - Sitting meditation
    12:00 PM - Lunch
    1:30 PM - Walking meditation
    2:00 PM - Sitting meditation and afternoon chanting
    3:00 PM - Walking meditation
    3:45 PM - Sitting meditation
    4:45 PM - Walking meditation
    5:30 PM - Tea
    6:00 PM - Sitting meditation
    7:00 PM - Walking meditation
    7:45 PM - Dharma talk and sitting meditation
    8:45 PM - Walking meditation
    9:30 PM - Sitting meditation
    10:00 PM - Chanting
    10:15 PM - Rest or further practice

  • The retreat is located several hours drive north of San Francisco, near the town of Willits, California. The land is on a mountain surrounded by miles of wilderness sprawling down to the Pacific Ocean. Two large hand built houses provide wonderful conditions for our retreat. Yogis will sleep either in a dormitory or in a Bell tent. There is space for around 20 yogis.

    The retreat is supported by several volunteer practice positions, including the head of the meditation hall, retreatant support, head cook, and caretakers. These roles will be undertaken by experienced practitioners who will also participate in the retreat.

    If you would like to learn more about this retreat than is written here, feel free to email our team and we will arrange a call.