This is a joyful time of community building as we come together in a shared schedule which combines work on the property with intentional community building, light formal practice, dharma offerings from North, and a chance to be unplugged in a beautiful natural setting. Come and join our makeshift monastery for a week!
Dharma training includes the fullness of our life. In the Work Period, we come together in community in the support of the three month retreat in the spring. It is a chance to connect with the sangha and explore the enlivening quality of work practice which is a traditional component of dharma training.
In the spring work period our focus will be on expanding the capacity of the space including making more tent sites on the land, projects to improve the dormitories, and planting a vegetable garden. There will be a light schedule in the mornings involving sitting, chanting, and dharma reflections from North. Most of the day we will work hard. We’ll share delicious meals together, and fun evening activities.
The Work Period will be from March 14th - 30th 2025. You are welcome to arrive or depart at any time during those two weeks. Rather than charging fees, the Work Period is fully dana-based. See our giving page to learn more or send us an email at